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Discord How To Pause Downloads

Discord Music Player

npm npm CodeFactor Grade

Note: This is the v8 version of Discord Music Player for Discord.JS v13!

Discord Music Player is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to easily implement music commands. Everything is customizable, and everything can be done using this package - there are no limitations!

This package supports YouTube Videos & Playlists, Spotify Songs & Playlists, Apple Music Songs & Playlists. Package from version v7.0.0 is fully maintained by SushiBtw.


  • Discord.js v13,
  • Node.JS v16,


Node.JS v16 or newer is required to run this module.

npm install --save discord-music-player

Install @discordjs/opus:

npm install --save @discordjs/opus

Install FFMPEG!


Discord Music Player documentation:

Need some help?

Feel free to join Discord-Music-Player Discord Server and ask us about DMP.

Getting Started

The code bellow, will show you how to use DMP in your code.

Please define your Player after the client/bot definition.

[!] Remember to include the related voice Intents at the client options. [!]

                const                Discord                =                require                (                "discord.js"                )                ;                const                client                =                new                Discord                .                Client                (                {                intents:                [                Intents                .                FLAGS                .                GUILDS                ,                Intents                .                FLAGS                .                GUILD_MESSAGES                ,                Intents                .                FLAGS                .                GUILD_VOICE_STATES                ]                }                )                ;                const                settings                =                {                prefix:                '!'                ,                token:                'YourBotTokenHere'                }                ;                const                {                Player                }                =                require                (                "discord-music-player"                )                ;                const                player                =                new                Player                (                client                ,                {                leaveOnEmpty:                false                ,                // This options are optional.                }                )                ;                // You can define the Player as *client.player* to easily access it.                client                .                player                =                player                ;                client                .                on                (                "ready"                ,                (                )                =>                {                console                .                log                (                "I am ready to Play with DMP 🎶"                )                ;                }                )                ;                client                .                login                (                settings                .                token                )                ;              

Example Usage

                const                {                RepeatMode                }                =                require                (                'discord-music-player'                )                ;                client                .                on                (                'messageCreate'                ,                async                (                message                )                =>                {                const                args                =                message                .                content                .                slice                (                settings                .                prefix                .                length                )                .                trim                (                )                .                split                (                                  /                  +                  /g                )                ;                const                command                =                args                .                shift                (                )                ;                let                guildQueue                =                client                .                player                .                getQueue                (                message                .                guild                .                id                )                ;                if                (                command                ===                'play'                )                {                let                queue                =                client                .                player                .                createQueue                (                message                .                guild                .                id                )                ;                await                queue                .                join                (                message                .                member                .                voice                .                channel                )                ;                let                song                =                await                queue                .                play                (                args                .                join                (                ' '                )                )                .                catch                (                _                =>                {                if                (                !                guildQueue                )                queue                .                stop                (                )                ;                }                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'playlist'                )                {                let                queue                =                client                .                player                .                createQueue                (                message                .                guild                .                id                )                ;                await                queue                .                join                (                message                .                member                .                voice                .                channel                )                ;                let                song                =                await                queue                .                playlist                (                args                .                join                (                ' '                )                )                .                catch                (                _                =>                {                if                (                !                guildQueue                )                queue                .                stop                (                )                ;                }                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'skip'                )                {                guildQueue                .                skip                (                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'stop'                )                {                guildQueue                .                stop                (                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'removeLoop'                )                {                guildQueue                .                setRepeatMode                (                RepeatMode                .                DISABLED                )                ;                // or 0 instead of RepeatMode.DISABLED                }                if                (                command                ===                'toggleLoop'                )                {                guildQueue                .                setRepeatMode                (                RepeatMode                .                SONG                )                ;                // or 1 instead of RepeatMode.SONG                }                if                (                command                ===                'toggleQueueLoop'                )                {                guildQueue                .                setRepeatMode                (                RepeatMode                .                QUEUE                )                ;                // or 2 instead of RepeatMode.QUEUE                }                if                (                command                ===                'setVolume'                )                {                guildQueue                .                setVolume                (                parseInt                (                args                [                0                ]                )                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'seek'                )                {                guildQueue                .                seek                (                parseInt                (                args                [                0                ]                )                *                1000                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'clearQueue'                )                {                guildQueue                .                clearQueue                (                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'shuffle'                )                {                guildQueue                .                shuffle                (                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'getQueue'                )                {                console                .                log                (                guildQueue                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'getVolume'                )                {                console                .                log                (                guildQueue                .                volume                )                }                if                (                command                ===                'nowPlaying'                )                {                console                .                log                (                `Now playing:                                      ${                    guildQueue                    .                    nowPlaying                    }                  `                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'pause'                )                {                guildQueue                .                setPaused                (                true                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'resume'                )                {                guildQueue                .                setPaused                (                false                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'remove'                )                {                guildQueue                .                remove                (                parseInt                (                args                [                0                ]                )                )                ;                }                if                (                command                ===                'createProgressBar'                )                {                const                ProgressBar                =                guildQueue                .                createProgressBar                (                )                ;                // [======>              ][00:35/2:20]                console                .                log                (                ProgressBar                .                prettier                )                ;                }                }                )              


                // Init the event listener only once (at the top of your code).                client                .                player                // Emitted when channel was empty.                .                on                (                'channelEmpty'                ,                (                queue                )                =>                console                .                log                (                `Everyone left the Voice Channel, queue ended.`                )                )                // Emitted when a song was added to the queue.                .                on                (                'songAdd'                ,                (                queue                ,                song                )                =>                console                .                log                (                `Song                                      ${                    song                    }                                    was added to the queue.`                )                )                // Emitted when a playlist was added to the queue.                .                on                (                'playlistAdd'                ,                (                queue                ,                playlist                )                =>                console                .                log                (                `Playlist                                      ${                    playlist                    }                                    with                                      ${                    playlist                    .                    songs                    .                    length                    }                                    was added to the queue.`                )                )                // Emitted when there was no more music to play.                .                on                (                'queueDestroyed'                ,                (                queue                )                =>                console                .                log                (                `The queue was destroyed.`                )                )                // Emitted when the queue was destroyed (either by ending or stopping).                                .                on                (                'queueEnd'                ,                (                queue                )                =>                console                .                log                (                `The queue has ended.`                )                )                // Emitted when a song changed.                .                on                (                'songChanged'                ,                (                queue                ,                newSong                ,                oldSong                )                =>                console                .                log                (                `                    ${                    newSong                    }                                    is now playing.`                )                )                // Emitted when a first song in the queue started playing.                .                on                (                'songFirst'                ,                (                queue                ,                song                )                =>                console                .                log                (                `Started playing                                      ${                    song                    }                  .`                )                )                // Emitted when someone disconnected the bot from the channel.                .                on                (                'clientDisconnect'                ,                (                queue                )                =>                console                .                log                (                `I was kicked from the Voice Channel, queue ended.`                )                )                // Emitted when deafenOnJoin is true and the bot was undeafened                .                on                (                'clientUndeafen'                ,                (                queue                )                =>                console                .                log                (                `I got undefeanded.`                )                )                // Emitted when there was an error in runtime                .                on                (                'error'                ,                (                error                ,                queue                )                =>                {                console                .                log                (                `Error:                                      ${                    error                    }                                    in                                      ${                    queue                    .                    guild                    .                    name                    }                  `                )                ;                }                )                ;              

Passing custom data


While running the Queue#createQueue() method you can pass a options#data object to hold custom data. This can be made in two ways:

                // Pass custom data                await                player                .                createQueue                (                message                .                guild                .                id                ,                {                data:                {                queueInitMessage:                message                ,                myObject:                'this will stay with the queue :)'                ,                more:                'add more... there are no limitations...'                }                }                )                ;                // Or by using                queue                .                setData                (                {                whatever:                'you want :D'                }                )                ;                // Access custom data                let                queue                =                player                .                getQueue                (                message                .                guild                .                id                )                ;                let                initMessage                =                queue                .                data                .                queueInitMessage                ;                await                initMessage                .                channel                .                send                (                `This message object is hold in Queue :D`                )                ;              

Song or Playlist

While running the Queue#play()/Queue#playlist() method you can pass a options#data object to hold custom data. This can be made in two ways:

                // Play the song                let                song                =                await                queue                .                play                (                'Born in the USA!'                )                ;                // Set song data                song                .                setData                (                {                initMessage:                message                }                )                ;                // Play the playlist                let                playlist                =                await                queue                .                playlist                (                ''                )                ;                // Set playlist data (will set data for each song in the playlist)                song                .                setData                (                {                initMessage:                message                }                )                ;                // Access custom data                let                queue                =                player                .                getQueue                (                message                .                guild                .                id                )                ;                let                {                initMessage                }                =                queue                .                nowPlaying                .                data                ;                await                initMessage                .                channel                .                send                (                `This message object is hold in Song :D`                )                ;              


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